“Are you facing loss of income due to separation from a spouse or long-term, live-in partner, divorced, death, disability of your spouse or long term live-in partner and need to become head of household?
The Displaced Homemakers Services at Brookdale Community College offers you free, confidential, holistic, customized support to enable you to reach your full potential.
Brookdale’s Displaced Homemakers Services offers a compassionate, non-judgmental support system. They provide referrals to a broad array of resources including social service agencies, education institutions and training programs, as well as financial aid information.
Displaced Homemakers Services are free and provided through funding from the NJ Department of Children and Families Division on Women.”
To learn more about these services please visit: www.brookdalecc.edu/displaced-homemakers or get in contact with the Program Administrator, Laurie Salka at [email protected] or 732-739-6020.